This blog is for all you parents…
Spring break has rolled right into summer break — and summer break is now six months long! We’re officially wrapping our minds around the reality that our kids may not be going back to a traditional school setting for the foreseeable future.
While we’re truly relishing many aspects of this time at home with our families and children, we’re simultaneously working to keep them grounded and reassured as we move through this increasingly scary time. And we have to say… it’s HARD.
There are no school hours, no playdates, no birthday parties, no soccer games, no outings… and we’re really trying to do our best.
A few weeks ago, we pulled together a list of educational options for new-to-schooling-at-home families like ours, which seemed great at the time.
But now, with the possibility of many more months at home ahead of us, we realize that we need MORE things to keep our kids enriched and entertained. Plus, we need a break every now and then — and let’s be honest, they need a break from us, too!
We hope that this list of kid-engaging activities can help your family!

This wonderful author and human is doing a live doodle that kids can watch or follow along with EVERY DAY at 1 pm EST. We’re just trying to get out of pajamas, and Mo is conducting an art class and answering questions every afternoon!
Storyline Online – This is the best. It’s actors reading books for kids, and it’s hilarious. If you can’t read one more story today, just put on this interactive storytelling. We’ll just be over here, listening to Kristen Bell imitate a duck.
Steve Spangler Science – OK, this one requires some parent participation (unless you trust your kids with a gallon of milk and a dinner plate) — but a day spent pretending to all be mad scientists is never a day wasted, right?
Harry Potter At Home – J.K. Rowling, ever our favorite, created an immersive online world of Hogwarts, complete with quizzes, stories, games and more. Can adults play on here, too?
DIY For Crafty Parents + Kids – We can’t even imagine dreaming up DIY crafts on our own right now — so a big thank you to Good Housekeeping for creating a giant list for us! Plus, we finally have something to do with empty Kleenex boxes!
Cosmic Kid Yoga – This yoga is COSMIC, just as promised! Somehow it manages to combine storytelling, acting, wild effects and, of course, yoga. It might not be as relaxing as traditional yoga, but it’s an awesome way for kids to move their bodies and let go of some of that stir-crazy energy. Please tell us it’s not just our kids who are running in circles?
National Geographic For Kids – Always a fan favorite, for when our kiddos are begging to use the computer and we’re begging them to binge something other than YouTube videos. We love this interactive site, which has educational videos and games!
Free Audible Stories For Kids – A lovely substitute for traditional independent reading! Just turn on a favorite story, and everyone can close their eyes. We’ve been enjoying a little childhood nostalgia with some Beatrix Potter read in a trilling British accent.
Virtual Field Trips – Since the last 20 field trips we’ve had have been right here in our own neighborhood, this has been a delight! There are too many options to begin to list, but luckily, GH has done it for us again!
Dance Party With DJ Nice – A dad, a DJ and all the rockin’ tunes… what more you could ask for? We’re all about family dance parties!
Cooking With Kids – We can’t be solo chefs every night, so we’re starting to really hand the reins over to our kiddos (every now and then, with supervision, aprons, and cleaning supplies on standby!)
A few other activities our families have been doing to pass the time:
- Writing letters — so many letters!
- Virtual playdates and dinner dates
- Virtual game nights
- Neighborhood scavenger hunts
- Walks and bike rides, at least once every day
We hope this list gives you a little extra assistance, whether your list of go-to activities is in need or a refresh or if you’re just in need of 5 minutes to yourself. (We’ve been finding solace in the shower… it’s the only place we can really be alone!)
Wherever you are right now, fellow parents… just remember, WE’RE WITH YOU!
Joni + Kitt
Cover image by Vanessa Bucceri on Unsplash
For more inspiration, check out:
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